Small As an Elephant: A Book Review


Book rating from me: šŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸ

This book was written by Jennifer Richard Jacobson. This book is very emotional but very well written. It doesn’t have challenging vocabulary but the themes are difficult. Small As an Elephant is about an eleven year old boy named Jack. He and his mother went on a camping trip away from where he lives and one morning he wakes up and he can’t find his mother anywhere. But it wasn’t the first time his mother had left him. He doesn’t want anyone to figure out what happened and separate them forever. Jack doesn’t know if he will ever forgive her.


Going Back in Time to the Revolutionary War


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā If I could go back in time, I would go to the Revolutionary War. I want to go to the Revolutionary War because the events that took place interest me. If I could visit the Revolutionary War, I would be on the colonistā€™s side.

While I am visiting, I would dress up as an Indian and dump tea into the Boston Harbor, to stop taxes on tea! After all of that fun, I would want to see the mad look on King George IIIā€™s face!

After that, I would teleport myself to King Georgeā€™s castle, (riding on Rush Revereā€™s magical horse, Liberty) and sneak into his castle as Loyalistā€™s (with Rush Revere) and wear a fancy dress, like his student, Freedom. It would be a blast!

Also, I would join George Washington and his army as they row down the Delaware River. Lastly, I would accompany Paul Revere on his midnight ride to warn the Colonists that the British were coming. Then, right before I leave, I would get all of the famous colonistā€™s autographs and take selfies with them before speeding back to the future.

Lily M.Ā 

Inside Out 2: A Presentation


The BackStory …Ā 

It was a plain old normal day at HeadQuarters on Tuesday. Bliss was very happy because the Emotions had finally stopped fighting- for once. Repel was disgusted by staying in HeadQuarters for so long so the Emotions decided to take a vacation to California. Hopeless is sad because she was voting to go to the rainforest because the rain reminds her of tears. Jitter was fearful because he was assigned as the pilot of the plane- bad idea. And Fury was mad that he was not assigned the pilot of the plane to fly to California. So all the emotions were ready to go to sunny state of California. So they started their journey without fighting until the pilot (Jitter) saw the bright blue ocean. He decided that it might be dangerous to fly over it, so he pulled the wheel down and the Emotions crashed! This is when the fighting begins. Fury puts the foot down on Jitter because he crashed the plane. Bliss tries to look on the bright side of the crash by saying “On the plus side fellow Emotions, we will be landing way, way ahead of schedule.” Repel is disgusted by how hot the temperature is. ” It is at least like 100,987 degrees. Did you know that Jitter?” And Hopeless is sad because they did not arrive in California OR the rainforest. So they all continued becoming aggravated at each other until Joy finally yelled ” Enough! I am so done with every one fighting. We will find our way home back to headquarters before we know it. I just know it!” Then, out of the blue a pink colored pyramid popped up and said ” OOO! Are you real humans?” Then Repel Said ” Yeah?! What do you think?” “Well, I have not seen people for so long so I guess I just forgot.” Said Wonder. ” That’s OK. Do you possibly know the way out of the desert?” asked Joy. ” You have come to the right person for this job.” So Wonder took the emotions to an airport, where they took a plane to New York City and then to Head Quarters. When they arrived back at Head Quarters, every Emotion learned how important each Emotion is from Fury to Jitter to Wonder to Bliss and if they work together, the job gets done quicker and better.


Bliss: Lily
Wonder: Gannon
Repel: Kathy
Hopeless: Kathy
Fury: Barritt
Jitter: Gannon
Narrator: Lily

Please enjoy!

Mike Smith: A True Story


One night at the dinner table my dad said he had gone and heard a speaker. The speakers name was Mike Smith. He said he wished I had been there because he thought I would liked it. Then he told me what the speaker said.

He said he was a cool kid. Then, he moved to Nebraska. When he got there, he was different. He had purple hair and liked to skateboard. He was a weirdo to them. After a while he started to become a cool kid again.

Soon, his father became sick. He wanted to go to college and become an athlete. He went to school early every day to shoot some hoops.

One day he was walking to his locker to get his headphones and passed an autistic kid. That night he asked his mom what to do with that kid. She said to ask him if he wanted to play with him.

The next day he asked him if he wanted to shoot hoops with him. The boy said, “No, I’m good.” He did this this all week. He finally asked his mom what to do. “Mom, I’m trying to be nice but he keeps saying “No, I’m good.” “I don’t think he likes you. I don’t even like you right now.” His mom said “Why?” he asked. “Because you are mean and think your better than everyone else.” That got him thinking. He realized that he needed to become a better person.

When he made it to college, he was practicing when his coach came up to him. “What are you going to do with your life?” He asked. “I don’t know yet, I just want to help people.” “Come with me.” His coach said. “I’ll show you somewhere you can help people.”

He took Mike to tent city. An area under a bridge where homeless people lived in tents. When he got there Mike went up to them and said, “How can I help you?” Then one man said, “Can you give me a pair of socks?” It might sound silly to us because we don’t need to ask for socks, but to homeless people, it is a fair request. They only have one pair of socks. Most homeless people have rotten feet because they can’t change their socks when they get wet. So Mike said, “I think I can help you.” And left. He went to the locker room and got a box of socks. When he got back to tent city, none of the homeless people expected for him to come back. When he got there he started handing out socks to them. That inspired him. He started something like a club. He and some friends would ride around town on skateboards with backpacks full of socks. Then, whenever they see homeless people, they toss them a pair of socks.

Now his business is a worldwide thing. People all over the world do it. A big worldwide business that started because a boy in college, wanted to help people.

You remember that kid I told you about earlier? Well, he was an orphan. Mike adopted him. Now he is Mike’s son/best friend.

Sometimes, we don’t realize how lucky we are to have a roof over our head and food on the table. Sometimes, we take for granted what we have that some other people might not.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi guys! It’s Chloe with another amazing blog! Well, actually a debate … the debate is about what you eat for Thanksgiving. Pigs or turkeys? If you ask me it would be pigs because I would give the turkeys a break for once and because I’m a meat lover. Turkey is good also because I love me some chicken like Pusheen up on the picture. So write down on the comments below what you would rather eat and one reason why!



Tooth Fairy Resignation


Dear Boss,

Hey! I need to tell you something. I’m tired of being the tooth fairy. Let me tell you why. I went bankrupt! All these kids loosing teeth. I’m giving them free money for one little tooth! So, when I lose a tooth are they going to give me money? Even though I have wings and everything, Im tired of flying to their house at 2amā€¦ and, when I go to grab the tooth, the kids squeeze me under the pillow. I can hardly breathe! Good thing I have magic to poof out of there. Plus, you hardly pay us. Sometimes I lose my magic map. I get lost. Then what do I do! Then I have to look for it, and it gets annoying! I need my money back! Please understand.

Peyton the FORMER Tooth Fairy


November 6, 2015
Mr. McPixey Pants
4321 First Street
Important, Magic, 56723

Dear Mr. McPixey Pants,
I resign. I love being the tooth fairy and all, but I think it’s time I move on with my life. I’ve been doing this for 41 years now. It’s always an adventure going to get the teeth. Having to be as quiet as a mouse and sneaking under the pillow to exchange the tooth for money. I have decided to be a school nurse. I will receive my final paycheck, hang up my wings, and go on my way. I will miss all of you.
Sincerely Yours,
Grace, the Former Tooth Fairy

The World of Bears


One day Mindy was walking around in her backyard collecting leaves. Mindy was addicted to collecting things. She was about to go in when she noticed a rainbow colored leaf. Mindy picked it up and was transferred to a big forest. Then a bear came out, they both saw each other and screamed. Mindy was terrified of bears, but the bears were scared of her too. Bravely, Mindy asked what the bearā€™s name was. MR. MCFUZZ! Well Mr. McFuzz how do you do? Not expecting an answer, ā€œFine ā€¦ thankyou! But please call me Fuzzyā€. Mindy was very startled. Fuzzy wanted Mindy to meet his friends so off they went talking and skipping. As they passed she noticed a dark cave. Fuzzy could read minds so he said donā€™t go in there, donā€™t look at it. When they finally met his friends it was time to go to bed. When all of the bears were asleep, Mindy got up and went to the cave. Then she went inside it and thatā€™s where she saw the biggest bear ever. Why have you waken me he said in an angry voice? He didnā€™t let Mindy talk, instead he took her and tied her up and put her over a fire to burn. In the morning when all of the bears woke up they noticed that Mindy was gone. Suddenly Fuzzy thought about the cave. They all rushed to go free her, but they needed a plan. Once they got all of their weapons, they ran in and attacked the big mean bear until he was sorry and was hurt really badly. Fuzzy rushed to Mindy and freed her. Then Fuzzy handed her the colorful leaf and said come see us any time you want. With that they hugged and said goodbye. Just like that Mindy was gone. Iā€™m going to miss Mindy. I hope she wonā€™t forget us.


The Haunted Trail



Hi it’s Chloe here and I’m gonna tell you about the Old Frontier’s Haunted Trail. It was 7:00 on All Hallows’ Eve and we entered from a black gate when we heard whispers and screams. We went into a house filled with fake dead bodies and while my five year old friend was looking around the place there was a butcher kid who scared the heck out of a lady in front of me and my mom.The next place on the trail was filled with smoke and really bright lights, my dad hit one of the plastic covers a zombie helped him get through the door.We entered another tent filled with colorful lights and lasers, you think it’s not scary until you see clowns. I wanted to get out but there was a sign that said NO REFUNDS so I was already warned and my sister was so scared she kicked a clown. Then, we entered a butchering house with a girl on the top of the counter I thought she was a prop until she screamed and I laughed. A man fell in a hole too. We went inside a zombie bus, then a crooked house, and saw witches who asked me to play in their pot. I told them I couldn’t because I hated small spaces. Then, we were at the end. A zombie cowboy with a whip told us we’d regret walking this trail. I thought it was a really good time to sing the “Whip” (get it?). The zombie laughed and I laughed. I never knew how nice and jolly zombies were! We were at the end and I started screaming “I SURVIVED THE HAUNTED TRAIL!!!” I can’t wait for next year.




Missy is a German Shepard and a black lab mix. Missy is my aunts dog but she is my BAE! If she is outside and you run she will chase you. When my baby cousin is over the house and she is outside walking, Missy goes over and licks her face! Missy is as tall as her. When I was sitting under the trampoline she came over and sat in my lap licking my face. When we are outside at night playing spotlight, I hide under the deck with my cousins and she gave our spot away by following us every time but we weren’t ever found first. When everybody stomps their feet and claps their hands and says ” Missy, Missy, Missy ” over and over she runs around the house chasing the cats ( in the house ), jumping on couches, and chairs. When you go in the house she jumps on you and licks you to death. When I am laying down watching a movie she comes over and lays right next to me. I love Missy. When I am sad or just doing nothing she comes over and licks my face. I could pet her for 10 hours and she will just lick me the whole time. Her and the other dog (Toe – Toe) always play fight. When Missy and Snow ( the baby kitten ) are together, they are always playing. I always play with her outside. And when she does puppy eyes it is so adorable ā€¦ it is like you are in heaven šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜!!!!!!!!!


When I Defeated my Dad


In wrestling, me and my dad wrestle every day! But he is the one who comes out victorious! This is the story of the first time I defeated my dad in wrestling. It was a good day for wrestling, and my dad and I were downstairs, ready to wrestle! I got the first move, but my dad got the upper hand. We kept on wrestling until I had my dad on the floor! I went to the top of the turnbuckle (technically a large couch), and here is the good part, my jumps are always fake so then they wouldn’t hurt anybody, but this time, I really did a real ” Matt Hardy” leg drop!!! He was kinda suffering, but that’s what wrestling is all about! I go for the pin, and the referee (technically my sister) counted “1… 2… 3!” She raised my hand in victory! So that’s my story about when I defeated my dad for the first time!

Future WWE superstar,